The Best Ways To Lose Weight With Hypnosis

Jul 20, 2023

Have you ever thought about losing weight with hypnosis?

Have you tried every diet going and feel really fed up and wonder if you could just get your head around it you could lose weight? 

Or are you swayed by the thought of having someone hypnotise you so that you ate all the right things and lived a healthy lifestyle without having to life a finger?

Sounds too good to be true right??

I'm afraid if that last option was the one that you were most invested in, then hypnosis for weight loss is probably not for you!!! 

Firstly, an understanding of what hypnosis is and isn't is probably in order. Many people think of hypnosis as being something magical, mind control, something that is done to you - and this stops many people from benefitting from the really life-enhancing benefits of learning how to train your own mind with hypnosis. 

There is nothing magical about hypnosis at all. What it entails is very similar to if you have ever had a guided meditation or visualisation done alongside some relaxation practices. The difference with hypnosis is that we direct our thoughts towards achieving goals rather than just enjoying the relaxation in the moment. 

So, how does it work? It works by helping you re-wire your mind, unlearn old unhelpful ways of behaving and make new thoughts like "I have a small appetite and choose to stop eating when I am full" the automatic thoughts. You become hyper aware of your behaviour and extremely mindful around your eating. You learn how to be calm and motivated, dispel old beliefs and practise employing new mindsets. It really is a way to "get your head around" your relationship with food. But YOU have a role, you have to be invested in it for it to work. 

There are a number of different ways you can try hypnosis for weight loss and then all have different pros and cons.

One to One

In one to one sessions the hypnotherapist will discuss what's happening for you and create a "treatment plan" this is a series of tasks and goals that are agreed upon by the hypnotherapist and you and a timescale is agreed upon. For hypnotherapy this is usually around 4 sessions initially, but weight loss can of course be a long journey and follow up sessions may be needed. In each session you will discuss an area of concern and complete one or two hypnosis exercises to then practice in the in between times (sessions are usually every two weeks). One to one weight loss with hypnotherapy is the most expensive option with sessions costing between £70-150 per session but the content of the sessions is entirely created for you. 

Apps and Audios

The cheaper options would most probably be to use an App, like Slimpod, which is reasonably priced at around £150 forever or Audio tracks from somewhere like YouTube which can be free of just cost a few pounds. These options can work if you are someone who is highly motivated and does not require or need extra support or if you don't like being a part of a group.  

Short Courses

The middle ground is where courses like The Real Me live. (For full transparency, this is my course but I don't know any others out there like it!) These are small group courses, with no more than 10 participants, which run for an introductory 4 weeks and then follow up with a membership so you can  learn some hypnotherapy tools and then carry on on your own or continue to have a support network and accountability group in the membership club. These groups have lots of support and the live weekly content is really good for those who like to work and learn with other people. The Real Me 4 week course currently costs £195 and the follow on membership is £39pcm

Is it successful? Well, yes. Of course it depends on how much YOU put into your mind training, but if you do - Slimpod has had over 100,000 5 star reviews and The Real Me clients lose on average 14lbs in 6 weeks. 

Here are some transformations:

So, is hypnosis safe?  And is it for everybody? Well, yes... and no... If you have ever had any severe mental health issues, psychoses, or are drug or alcohol dependent it's probably not for you as it enhances and heightens your experiences and this could be unhelpful. Also, like any professional service it's important to make sure that you go to a well qualified practitioner and although hypnotherapy is not a regulated profession, there are professional bodies such as the National Council for Hypnotherapy whose members operate under a strict ethical code. 

Also, for hypnosis to work it requires commitment, practice and trust from the client. If you are not keen to practice the exercises given to embed them and re-wire your thoughts, you probably will have little success. If you are though, it can be just what you were looking for!!



 Julie Bale is a mindset trainer and performance coach. She is a registered clinical hypnotherapist and an ex yo-yo dieter. After 30 years of working in the music industry as a singer and hypnotherapist for singers helping with performance anxiety, self-esteem and anxiety, she created The Real Me MindTraining ® Course incorporating Hypnotic Semaglutide ® to help herself and other life-long dieters finally give up the relentless cycle and learn to have a great relationship with food and love their bodies.


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