What's The Real Me MindTraining ® | How to Give Up Dieting TO Lose Weight Course?

hypnosis Aug 23, 2023

What's The Real Me MindTraining ® | How to give up Dieting To Lose Weight Course?

If you're looking to find out HOW the course works and WHAT it consists of, then this is the article for you!

What is it?

This programme was developed to help life long dieters learn how to give up the dieting cycle, retrain the mind to recognise natural hunger levels and learn how to have a good relationship with food. For many lifelong dieters (including myself) this is something they have never known, until now! 

The course has 4 sessions designed to be done over 4 weeks. It is fully self-paced. 

The introductory self-paced course is given a great deal of support and you join the private Facebook community  and/or communicate with me via email.

What do I have to do each week?

Each week there is an exercise on the online course platform for you to complete and a short video training . Then the weekly shot (of hypnotic semaglutide ®) exercise. 

The introductory 4 week course covers all the core aspects of losing weight with hypnosis, you'll learn some self-hypnosis, you'll learn how to incorporate the exercises into your daily life understanding that embedding the new ideas and tools takes daily work - but very quickly the new ideas will become habit.

You will learn to motivate yourself in difficult times, how to remind yourself and feel good about your goals at every mealtime, begin to understand personalised nutrition and regulating hunger levels and begin to recognise, dispute and banish the negative thoughts and beliefs that have held you back in the past. 

This programme is mind changing and completely sustainable for the rest of your life. 

Does it work?

On average in the 4 week course participants lose 10lbs - some more, some less but it will teach you to approach finding the real you in a different way. 

How do I join and What Does It Cost?

Below is an outline of the 4 week course. The current price for the 4 week Introductory Course is £247.

If you would like to join one of the courses the next step is to arrange a short call with me to see if it is the best fit for you and I can answer any more of your questions. You can do that by visiting the website or emailing me at [email protected] and I will send you a link. 


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